Summer Bash

About the Summer Bash

Order your discounted ticket before Saturday, July 15, 2023 ($20.00 pre-purchase or $25.00 at the door):

The Summer Bash is an outdoor event held at the Harrisburg Postal Grounds, 1500 Robert Valley Road on Blue Mountain each July since 2006.  Always the 3rd Saturday in July.  The Bash originally started as a birthday celebration by a group of friends from the STHS Class of 76 and has grown into a 250+ person night of entertainment (STHS alums), food, and reconnecting with classmates of all years. In 2019, the Susquehanna Township Alumni Association took over the production of the Summer Bash as a fundraiser and as the foundation for an All Class Reunion. Guests are asked to bring a dish to share.  BYOB.  Grilled items (chicken or hamburger, sausage, hot dogs) are prepared at the event by the Alumni Association.  The entrance fee is $15.00 before the event and $20.00 at the door.  The entrance fee covers the cost of the bands.  The Summer Bash is also a great and hassle-free Reunion site.  In recent years, the classes of 74, 76, and 78 have held their reunions at the Summer Bash while several others have used it as a part of a three-day weekend celebration.

Enjoy the photos from our previous events.  Mark your calendars for July 15, 2023!  Contact us about becoming involved.

July 17, 2021
(54 photos)

Here are a few videos!  Mark your calendars for the 3rd Saturday in July….every year!

Summer Bash 12

Summer Bash 12 feat Bill Gingrich

Summer Bash 12 feat Bill Perbetsky

More to come…see you on Saturday, July 16, 2022